Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wow God Wednesday

So, I think God knew that I complained a little bit last Wednesday, so He decided to put a few people in my life this week to let me know He was still there and still in control and still has perfect timing.

I love writing this blog. Sometimes I wake up in the morning and I'd rather stay in bed than get up and write, so I get a little lazy and feel like this is "too much." But I know it isn't. This last week I had more than 2 people talk to me and tell me how much they enjoy reading my blog and how it is an encouragement to them.

That was all I needed to continue typing away. Thank you God for your perfect timing.

How has God wowed you this past week?

1 comment:

  1. God has wowed me with my daughter. I continue to thank God for you Bobbi!!
